Art Gallery of Western Australia
   Photo: Art Gallery of Western Australia

Art Gallery of Western Australia - Perth part of the Cultural Center, located next to the Museum of Western Australia and the State Library. The present gallery building opened in 1979.

The collection of the gallery has more than 15, 5 thousand works of art to admire each year comes to 400 thousand people.

Earlier gallery housed together with a museum and library in the building Dzhyubili Building, built in the late 19th century. And the administration gallery occupies premises in a former policeman quarter. The building's main gallery was built in 1977 during the boom of the mining industry. In those years, the government of Western Australia invested heavily in culture and inspired by the upcoming 150th anniversary of the founding of Australia in 1979, and has allocated money for the construction of the library.

The building of the Art Gallery is made in several brutal style popular at the time in European design. The first collection of the gallery was eclectic: it consisted of the works of Indian and Asian artists, works of Australians of European descent, and copies of the works of English art. The current exhibition includes works of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal art Northern Territory and Western Australia and Australians work 1820-1960-ies. The annual exhibition «Year 12 Perspectives» presents to the public creations of students of art schools - paintings, prints, digital art, design and development of sculpture.

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