Ethnographic Museum and Art Gallery Argenti
   Photo: Ethnographic Museum and Art Gallery Argenti

Today, the Ethnographic Museum and Art Gallery Argenti - one of the most important and interesting sights of the eponymous capital of the Greek island of Chios. The museum is located within the walls of the Public Library of Koraisa and, undoubtedly, deserves close attention.

The idea of ​​creating a museum owned by Philip Argenti Pandeli. In 1932 he founded the "Argenti Society" to preserve and promote the historical and folklore heritage of Chios. And already in 1937, a small ethnographic museum opened its doors to visitors. Private collection of Phillip Argenti also became the basis of the museum exhibition.

Over time, thanks to private donations and new acquisitions Philip Argenti, greatly enriched the museum's collection and demanded expansion of exhibition space. Philip Argenti initiated the construction of an additional floor in the building that would ensure maximum occupancy is not only folklore collection, and a magnificent collection of paintings and topographic maps. Updated museum was opened in 1962. After Philip Argenti's death in 1974, his son donated to the museum by an impressive private collection of books and paintings of his father. In the same period, it was held last large-scale reconstruction (additional wing was completed, etc.) and the building took its present form.

In the museum you can see a lot of paintings and engravings on historical subjects, portraits and personal belongings of the outstanding inhabitants of Chios, manuscripts, coins, medals, garments, embroidery, household items and much more. One of the museum's halls is entirely devoted to the history of the traditional costume of the island of Chios in the 16-20 centuries. It is necessary to pay special attention to the excellent collection of paintings from the personal collection F.Argenti, perfectly illustrating the history of the island of Chios, located at the entrance to the library, as well as along the stairs and in the corridors of the second floor.

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Ethnographic Museum and Art Gallery Argenti
Maritime Museum of Chios
Palace Museum Justinian
Byzantine Museum of Chios
Archaeological Museum of Chios
Fortress of Chios