Water towers
   Photo: Water towers

Water towers Kasia and Basia - unusual urban decoration and a monument of industrial architecture of the late XIX, the beginning of the XX century. They are built of red brick, decorated with colored and white plaster. Octagonal tower are 4 tiers, floors - wood. Serving vosmiskatnymi roofs. Inside the tower, the top of the water tanks are arranged in the center - passes water supply pipe.

The height of the towers 22 meters. West Tower, which is now painted in pink, erected in 1890, east (yellow) - in 1905. The western tower was built, presumably, in the neo-Renaissance style and is richly decorated with pilasters, blades, croutons, curly aprons, dormer. In the east tower decor is easier, but there is a balcony, where workers art workshops plant flowers.

West Tower was opened for the very first aqueduct in front of Grodno Skidelsky market. Second built when the first ceased to cope with the volume of water necessary to the city.

There is a legend about why the tower so called. Old-timers say that in a tower used to be a water utility accounting and worked as a bookkeeper in her name Basia. In another - there were some warehouses and storekeeper it was Kasia.

Now the towers are art workshops, where you can see pictures of the work of artists. Next to one of the towers located unusual sculpture: a thick black tomcat, dreamily looking at the starling sitting next to his bronze starling house on a height inaccessible to the cat.

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Water towers
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