Castle Square
   Photo: Castle Square

Castle Square - a place that is home to the most important sights of Teplice. The main tourist attraction, which gave its name to the square, is the majestic castle, built on the site of an old convent. He appeared in the XVI century, commissioned by Wolf Vřesovice. From the monastic buildings survived the dungeons and a small chapel. Today, the castle turned into a museum. His collection of archaeological finds, paintings, porcelain and coins include more than 2 million copies.

Centre Castle Square is decorated with Marian column, which is crowned by a sculpture representing the Holy Trinity. It established in 1718 as a gratitude for deliverance from plague Teplice and salvation from the terrible disease four brothers Clary-Aldringen, who owned the local castle. The column is designed in the Baroque style and is considered one of the best works of the sculptor Matyas Braun.

The castle Teplice adjacent church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, which was built in the years 1549-1568 in the Renaissance style, and then reconstructed in baroque style. At the moment, the temple belongs to the Orthodox Church.

Another temple facade overlooking the Castle Square and consecrated in the name of St. John the Baptist. At the temple buried many members of the Count's family Clary-Aldringen.

On the north side of the square you can see the three-storey house, which is informally called the "Golden Cross". It was erected on the site of the old school of Teplice. The building is in the Empire style came in 1809, when its owner has acquired two plots of land, including the place where stood a dilapidated school, not to be restored. In this house we met monarchs allied armies before the decisive battle with the forces of Napoleon near Leipzig.

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Castle Square
Botanical Garden Teplice
Teplitskii Museum
Freedom Square
Castle Temple of the Holy Cross
Church of the Sacred Heart of the Lord
Church of St. John the Baptist
Church of St. Bartholomew