Museum-Estate VI Surikov
   Photo: Museum-Estate VI Surikov

Estate Museum Surikov in Krasnoyarsk is one of the main attractions of the city.

Old Siberian Cossack farmstead is located in the heart of the city and was built in the XIX - early XX century. It consists of a house, lodge, outbuildings and garden. The heart of the museum-estate - a two-storey house of larch, which was erected in the early 1830s. and protected from the fires so-called firewall - a stone wall. Larch House has survived to the present day in its original form.

In this house in January 1848 born Russian artist V. Surikov. In twenty years, the Siberian went to St. Petersburg to study, to later become a famous Russian historical painter. At the time, while the artist was in St. Petersburg and Moscow, we lived in the house of his mother and brother. About his own home Surikov family Konchalovsky cared for many decades. In the 1930s. daughter of the artist E. and A. Surikov Konchalovskaya passed the house to the city.

Memorial Art Museum on Lenin Street was opened in 1948 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great artist. In its basis the museum staff helping her daughter VI Surikov. Thanks to their efforts on the ground floor was restored home environment family resides here. A little later in the house-museum of the artist's works gave that up to the time kept by the members of the family patron P. Kuznetsov. Kuznetsov helped Surikov went to St. Petersburg and paid for his teaching at the Imperial Academy of Arts. However, the main source of revenue items become heirs Surikov. Thanks to this museum today holds a significant collection of works of art VI Surikov - about 100 of his works.

On the second floor of the house you can see the work of the famous artist. Workshop Surikov was the largest room, located on the second floor. In addition, the museum houses the artist's personal items, original letters and photos.

Status manor house museum received in 1983 In 2003, there is a monument by sculptor V. Surikov Yu zlotys.

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