House of Nicolaus Copernicus
   Photo: House of Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus House - a museum located in the old city of Torun, in two buildings, one of which is considered to be the birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus. The house is part of the Copernicus of Torun regional museum and is an important tourist attraction of the city.

It is known that the house belonged to the family №17 Copernicus from 1464. In the eighties of the fifteenth century, the father of Nicholas Copernicus reconstructed the building in the late Gothic style. After the museum opened in June 1960, in the house we were made restoration work, during which the building was returned to the original medieval appearance. The neighboring house №15 at the disposal of a museum in 1973. He was solemnly handed over to the House of Nicolaus Copernicus during the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist.

Today, in the same building as an exhibition of materials and objects related to the life of Nicholas Copernicus, and in the neighboring building presents everyday objects and culture Torun sixteenth century. Visitors can see the tools of Copernicus, the various portraits of the astronomer, as well as a variety of objects made by the inhabitants of Torun in honor of Nicolaus Copernicus, since the sixteenth century. The exhibition dedicated to the life of the city, unique exhibits. On the ground floor there is an artisan workshop with murals, and nearby is a unique collection of pewter. On the ground floor are also vintage pieces of furniture, in particular a Gothic cabinet of the fifteenth century and beginning of the sixteenth century baptistery. The second floor of the museum put on a collection of paintings and furniture of the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries.

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House of Nicolaus Copernicus
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