Flora Fountain
   Photo: Flora Fountain

Amazing sculpture of Flora Fountain in Mumbai located on the square "hutam Chowk", which translated means "Place des Martyrs", which is located in the southern part of town near the famous business district of Fort.

The fountain was built in 1864 and depicts the Roman goddess Flora. The initiator of the fountain became Agro-Horticultural Society of Western India, the chief architect of the project was made by Norman Shaw. Originally the fountain was named after the then Governor of Bombay Sir Bartley Frère, during which the city was upset very rapidly. But then he got a new name - in honor of the beautiful goddess of flowers and spring Flora, whose figure crowns the whole structure. Originally the fountain was to be installed in the gardens of Victoria, as part of the architectural composition of Plenty, yet the final decision about the location of the fountain was made in favor of the street Dabadhai Naoroji. Replace the Fountain Gate Church - one of the three entrances to the Old City of Fort ruined.

Flora Fountain is a wonderful sculptural composition at the top of which is a statue of the goddess Flora, carved by James Forsyth of the so-called "Portland stone" - a form of limestone, which is mined in one of the south-western counties of England. Also, the composition includes figures of beautiful women, mythical animals, dolphins, fish, shells.

On the same square, opposite the fountain in 1960. The monument was erected Martyrs dedicated to all those who died in the struggle for independence, and depicting figures of two patriots, holding a burning torch.

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