Taal Volcano
   Photo Taal Volcano

Taal Volcano - active volcano, located 50 kilometers south of Manila in the province of Batangas. It is located in the center of the eponymous lake area of ​​243 square meters. km. View of the volcano from the Tagaytay ridge - one of the most beautiful and attractive in the Philippines. The top of the volcano rises to 984 feet above the lake surface. Last Taal erupted in 1977, but today we can see how from its crater periodically erupt hot evaporation and seismologists regularly fix an underground activity.

Taal - is just one of the many volcanoes located off the west coast of the Philippine island of Luzon. But this is the smallest volcano in the world is part of the famous Pacific Ring of Fire - a chain of volcanoes that surround the greatest ocean on the planet.

Get to ta'ala from Manila by boat - the way will only take 45 minutes. Another 15-20 minutes will go out to climb to its top, where you can admire the awesome in some way primitive spectacle - from the walls of the volcano erupt on the surface of the jet of steam, and in the depth of the crater boils small lake. From the top of the volcano offers panoramic views of the surrounding Taal Lake and the surrounding area. If time permits, you should book a tour on the lake and visit the fish ponds are located on its shores.

Taal "wake up" several times - with 1572 registered 33 eruptions. It is estimated these eruptions have claimed the lives of 5 to 6 thousand people. The largest eruption occurred in 1754 - it lasted for 200 days!

To settle at the foot of the volcano is prohibited because of the danger of eruption, but despite this, many poor families still build shacks here, to somehow feed themselves by growing the crop in the fertile volcanic soils, risking their own lives.

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Taal Volcano