Bellapais Abbey
   Photo: Bellapais Abbey

Northern (Turkish) Cyprus a few kilometers from the town of Kyrenia is a small village of Bellapais. The main attraction of this village is considered to Bellapais Abbey - monastery, designed to Augustinian monks, but later transferred to their brethren of the Order of Premonstratensians. Its construction was carried out in several stages: it began as early as 1198, but the basic premises were built in the XIII century by order of King Lusignan Hugh III, and in the XIV century, thanks to his successor, appeared hall and refectory, made in the Gothic style, also it was equipped courtyard of the Abbey.

In 1246 Sir Roger Norman gave the monastery a fragment of the True Cross, as well as 600 gold coins - Besant - in return for prayers for the salvation of the souls of the monks of Roger Norman and his wife - Lady Alix. But, unfortunately, this precious relic, which made the world-famous Abbey, was lost after the monastery was looted during the invasion of Bellapais Genoese. Soon the monks themselves and left the place.

Now the abbey is a dilapidated complex of which the best preserved church, located at the entrance, as well as dormitories where the monks lived and the Court of Auditors.

Despite the fact that at the moment of the monastery were only the ruins of its territory is a museum, a restaurant and cafe where you can sample local cuisine. In addition, the dining room has excellent acoustics, a music festival held annually.

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