Cave city Buckle
   Photo: Cave city Buckle

Eighteen kilometers from Simferopol is Buckley. It is situated on a plateau at the beginning of the Internal ridge, between the Alma and Bodrak. Once the city was part of the Byzantine defense system, the citadel served as the best protection structures. The appearance of the town is around the sixth century, its destruction - the thirteenth century and is associated with the invasion of Nogay.

Preserved foundations protective walls and the remains of a quarry in the southern part of the cape. Walls served as protection for flatter, more vulnerable side. On the opposite side of the cape can be seen traces of fortification, where during the battles were archers and slingers.

The rock beneath the walls of an underground tunnel is laid, the purpose of which is not clear. In the north-east of traces of narrow streets and two-storey houses. Here we find the ruins of the church, which was built in the premises and can therefore be considered as a home church. For the history of the Crimean house churches were not popular, but for the ninth-century Constantinople, it is quite a natural phenomenon.

On the eastern side there is an underground temple. In one of its walls carved out a niche, and in it - an appeal in the Greek language to the patron saint.

On the west side, on the cape discovered cave structures, which, in the version scholars served as a monastery. Found the wreckage of the temple of the eighth-ninth century, the quadrangular tombs, carved into the mountain and resemble Kiev crypts and grotto whose walls were decorated with paintings with images of saints, crosses, outlines the church and ships. At the base of the Cape remained small cells with niches for lamps and fixtures. In one cell, archaeologists found a mass grave.

On the south side of Buckley, in the valley there are the ruins of several temples. The oldest is the eighth-ninth century. Two superposed. First, about the tenth-eleventh centuries, built cross-shaped temple. From the fragments of his arch portal and decorate the door frieze. Interesting ornamental frieze: the vine, surrounded by weaving, palmettos in the bends. And if the vine for Byzantine art - quite the usual way, the theme of palmettos - is extremely rare. The first cross-shaped temple was dismantled in the twelfth-thirteenth centuries and erected new here.

Downstream, the river is the necropolis of Cuba, about the fifth or ninth century. In local tombs of the seventh century found belt buckles and bracelet obviously works of Byzantine masters. And we found two fibulas - fasteners, chain fastened on the chest and on the nature of the work performed by the Ukrainian masters.

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Cave city Buckle