Assumption Cathedral
   Photo: Cathedral of the Assumption

More than three centuries ago on the banks of the river Kem was laid Assumption Cathedral, which took on the role of the character of the northern city. A lot has seen the cathedral for its century of existence. In the mid-17th century on the place of the present cathedral, was the cathedral of the same name - the Assumption, it was built at the expense of the Solovetsky Monastery and had two limits - Zosimo-Savvatiy and Baptist.

In 1710 Kemskaya part of the town was burned along with the cathedral. A year after the fire in the same place we started to rebuild a new cathedral, also with two chapels: the Assumption Church (consecrated in 1717) and Zosimo - Savvatevsky chapel (consecrated in 1714).

The main features of the new cathedral was similar to its predecessor, which is typical of traditional wooden architecture. The cathedral stands on Lepostrove, which is washed by the two arms of the river Kem. Assumption Cathedral consists of several parts: the Church of the Assumption, which is the crown of the architectural composition, Nikolsky and Zosimo-Savvatevskogo chapels, porch, dining room and porch. The refectory is located in the west of the temple, and has a square shape, the south and the north it connects two chapels: St. Nicholas and Zosimo - Savvatevsky.

The cathedral with the exception of frame passage is made from a single log, without a single nail. Unlike other in Kem Cathedral of the Assumption, there is one interesting detail - the top of the iconostasis is illuminated through a window cut through the ceiling. Thanks to this source of light, invisible to visitors, her back to him, one can observe an unusual effect of "glowing" iconostasis.

At the beginning of December 1876 the Assumption Cathedral was considered too dilapidated and therefore closed, thanks to the parishioners, who were very fond of this cathedral, its "renewal" was launched in 1889. During this period, it was renovated in all parts of the cathedral, but the main emphasis is on the "renovations" Kem interior decoration of the cathedral.

For decades, through Pomerania and Kem routes are the most famous travelers arrived in Karelia. Assumption Cathedral is the place where people are traveling on the northern edges, can not only admire the skill of the sculptors of the 18th century and his contemporaries - restorers, but also to the mystery of prayer in the current Kem cathedral. In 1989 it was founded the Assumption Cathedral Parish, today it performed the service.

Experts believe architects Kem Cathedral - pearl and "encyclopedia" of northern wooden folk architecture of the early 18th century. In 2006, by order of the Head of Karelia Sergey Kandatova building Kem Assumption Cathedral was transferred to the gratuitous use of Kema Annunciation Monastery in the name of New Martyrs and Confessors Russian.

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Assumption Cathedral
Kem District Local History Museum Pomorie