Kufstein Fortress
   Photo: Kufstein Fortress

Kufstein Fortress is an important landmark of the Austrian town of Kufstein and one of the most impressive medieval buildings around the Tyrol. The fortress is situated on a mountain on vysote90 meters above the city on the banks of the River Inn.

The fortress was first mentioned in a document from 1205, where it is called Castrum Caofstein. While it was a possession of the bishop of Regensburg. Later the castle became the property of the Duke of Bavaria, and in 1415 it was well fortified by Louis VII. In 1504, the city of Kufstein attacked Emperor Maximilian I, conquered the fortress. For nearly 20 years, from 1504 to 1522, Maximilian is strengthening Fortress. In particular, the tower was built Kayzerturm, the width of the wall which was 7, 5 meters! Over the years, the emperor turned the castle into a completely impregnable bastion.

From 1703 to 1805 Kufstein in the Bavarian dominions, and in 1814 it became an Austrian fortress.

The fortress served as a prison for a number of political dissidents during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Here is a list of some famous Hungarians in the fortress: Ferenc Kazinczy, the lawyer of the Hungarian language and literature, 1799-1800; Countess Blanka Teleki, a society lady and teacher, 1853-1856; Miklos Vesseleny Hungarian nobleman 1785-1789, Laszlo Szabo, poet, 1795; Gyorgy Gaal, Protestant preacher 1850-1856; Mate Haubner, the bishop and many others.

Now the fortress is the city museum of Kufstein. Some of the rooms used for concerts and meetings.

Kufstein Fortress is a popular tourist destination in the Lower Tyrol.

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Kufstein Fortress