City Museum Villach
   Photo: City Museum Villach

City Museum is located in an old mansion in the center of Villach. The museum was founded in 1873 by architect Karl Andreas. The museum repeatedly changed their position: in 1935, the museum moved into a historic building in the area Kayezra-Joseph. However, during the Second World War, the building was bombed. Nevertheless, the collection is almost not affected, because she was taken out of the building of the museum in advance. In 1960, the museum settled at its current address on Vidmangasse. About 50,000 exhibits housed in an old mansion in an area of ​​800 square meters.

The museum collection presents the historical exhibits representing the art and culture of the city. Villach in Austria known for its mining industry, so the city museum also has a collection of minerals that have been found in this region. The specialized exhibition "Villach and Peace" presented maps, plans and views of the city and the region from the 16th century. In the museum there are exhibits such as guns since Napoleon, medieval iron sculpture, jewelry, coins, Roman brick, early 17th-century bells.

The museum also exhibited a collection of paintings, among which you can see the work of the brothers Joseph and Louis Vilroyder landscapes Jacob Kanchiani, painting by Thomas von Villach "Six Saints" 1470-1480 years, and also works of art of the 20th century.

City Museum has a library, where a large collection of books, photographs and documentary reportage films. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum holds temporary special exhibitions.

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City Museum Villach