Gornja Stubica
   Photo: Gornja Stubica

Gornja Stubica - Croatian village, situated in the homonymous County. Among the local attractions are the most popular four.

The first attraction is Palace Oroshichey, is a lock of one of the noble families of Croatia, was built in the Baroque style. The second attraction of Gornja Stubica - is the church of St. George, which was first mentioned in written records in 1209. Over the centuries it was rebuilt several times until you got the Baroque look that we can see today.

The third attraction is the memorial monument to the peasant uprising and Matiyu Gubec, built in 1973, located in a park Rudolf Pereshina. Fourth - it Gubicheva linden, named in honor of Matija Gubec, a former leader of a peasant uprising in the mid-16th century. Perhaps this linden tree, older than four years old, was a witness to the events of that time. It declared a natural monument in 1957, after which the tree was taken under protection.

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Gornja Stubica