Sormovskiy Transfiguration Cathedral
   Photo: Sormovskiy Transfiguration Cathedral

The most striking architectural landmark Zarechnoj part of Nizhny Novgorod (Sormovo) is the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in 1903, designed by renowned architect - Paul Petrovich Malinowski.

In the late nineteenth century in the ancient village of Sormovo, which was near Nizhny Novgorod, rapidly developing industry and the temple, built in 1882 in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky, he ceased to hold the congregation. In 1898 it was decided to erect a new, larger church. Fundraising and donations carried Sormovo Plant servants are transferred pennies from each paycheck (later the people of the church got the name "penny"). In September 1900 the solemn laying of the foundation of the temple, designed for 2000 worshipers. During construction, Malinowski was designed to further the expansion of the temple to the throne, and by the autumn of 1903 Transfiguration Church appeared before the congregation. The interior of the main temple adorned shestiyarusny carved iconostasis, topped with forged cross, and to the king's gate rose seven marble steps of salts.

In its original form the temple stood no more than twenty years. In 1927 the bell tower was destroyed, and in the 30th disassembled metal roofing. In 1934, in the building of the temple is located a children's recreation center, and later mutilated numerous partitions, the church was turned into a warehouse pischetorga. In 1998, building work began on the restoration, in 1990. Temple gave believers. Along with the restoration of the building was reconstructed from photographs iconostasis, a fence, a house of the clergy, and was carried out landscaping around the cathedral.

Today Sormovskiy Transfiguration Cathedral in neo-Byzantine style - beautiful architectural landmark in Nizhny Novgorod and the monument of history and culture of the early twentieth century. The building of the cathedral is decorated with a large central dome (height 43 meters), which are semi-dome pedestal oriented to the cardinal. The facades are decorated with twin white columns between the windows, cornices and white patterns blue glasses, combined with a gray-blue roof domes.

In the mid-50s of the twentieth century church became Sormovskiy decoration in the filming of the novel I.Pyreva Gorky "Mother."

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