Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
   Photo: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Immaculate Conception Cathedral - one of the most famous religious shrines in Cuba. It is situated on an area of ​​the park Marti blossoming city of Cienfuegos. The temple is the main decoration of the town square. He leaves a surprisingly bright unforgettable impression of themselves. The architect, as if to emphasize the purity and integrity of this sacred place, completed its task on a hundred percent.

Religious buildings was built in 1869 in neo-classical style. It is painted in bright colors and the sun from afar it seems that the cathedral as though lit from within. It has two bell towers of different heights, which is crowned by red domes. By the church are three passes under the pointed arches, and its facade is decorated with stained glass. They depict the 12 apostles and other religious paintings. Inside the temple interior is stylized Gothic, although it was noticeable influence over contemporary art and architecture.

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is very popular, and every tourist who arrives in Cienfuegos, is committed to touch the place, save for many years, and the purity of the divine light.

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Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception