Tower of Saint-Blaise
   Photo: Tower of Saint-Blaise

In the XIII century in Hyères housed a garrison of the Knights Templar, and the tower of St. Blaise, also known as the Knights Templar tower, survived as the only one in the city of evidence on the presence here of representatives of the once powerful Order.

Knights of the Temple was founded in the beginning of the XII century to the XIII century made significant influence, wealth, many church and social benefits, but at the beginning of the XIV century was in disfavor and in 1312 was abolished. The tower was built in Hyères Templars was during the greatest power of the Order.

After the abolition of the Knights Templar tower was transferred to another Order - Maltese (or Hospitallers), which was founded in the XI century and still exists today, as the world's oldest knightly religious order. When the Templars settled in the tower, including the guardhouse. The next owners of the building rented out, in the second half of the XVII century the tenant became a municipality, concluding with the Order of the long-term lease.

Since the second half of the XVIII century and until 1914 the tower served as the headquarters of the municipal authorities, who did not have funds to build a town hall. At this time the tower building has undergone alterations that are not the best way impact on its appearance and condition. In the 80-90-ies of the last century, its restoration was carried out, after which the building was opened a modern art gallery, where exhibitions and other cultural events.

In Hyères Saint-Blaise Tower is located on the square Masilon, in the historic part of the city. Due to the unusual type of tower (this narrow building with a semicircular facade) is used as a noticeable landmark and scheduling appointments at its foot.

The city itself Hyères known as the South and the first resort of the French Riviera. It descriptions Hyeres beaches first introduced the phrase "Côte d'Azur".

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Tower of Saint-Blaise