Glacier Jostedalsbreen
   Photo: Glacier Jostedalsbreen

The largest glacier in Europe, Jostedalsbreen is a vast plateau, which runs many ice tongues. The national park was founded here 25 October 1991. It is located on the territory of several municipalities and covers an area of ​​1230 square meters. km. Well-known glaciers - Nigardsbreen, Bergsetbreen, Tuftebreen, Fabergstolsbreen and Autsdalsbreen originate from this huge mass of ice, and run in the direction of the valley Yusterdallen.

The glacier covers an area of ​​475 kilometers, 26 of his sleeves down to the foot of the mountains. The contrast between the fertile valleys and glaciers coming down almost every sea, at least striking. It should be noted that the walk on the glacier difficult and even dangerous. On the glacier there are several primitive shelters, there are also several marked trails.

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Glacier Jostedalsbreen