Church of St. Paraskevi
   Photo: Church of St. Paraskevi

Church of St. Paraskeva, located on the street Zankovetska, 24, is the first Orthodox church in the city Murowana. Earlier, on the site of the present church was a wooden church of St. Paraskeva - one of the oldest churches of Chernivtsi. It was located on a hill slightly above the Old Market Square. However, the church erected at the expense of Boyar Leckie, no mercy. Next wooden church of St. Paraskeva was built in 1745 and served as a cathedral until 1843 In 1844, thanks to the initiative of the rector of the church of his father A. Vasilovich on the site of an old wooden church began construction of the stone cathedral. In 1862, the solemn consecration of the unfinished church.

In February, 1864 in the church of Agia Paraskevi, a famous event - local Rusyns first pleaded Ukrainians. In November 1890 accident happened: there was a fire in the church, as a result of which burned the entire right side of the iconostasis and wall paintings were damaged. Restores iconostasis known artist Yevgeny Primakov, and murals and gilding - Johann Pisler.

In the first years of Soviet power the church was operating. But in 1962, the executive committee of the Chernivtsi regional council adopted a resolution "On the removal from registration of a religious community Paraskevska Church of Chernivtsi." Then the building was given to the disposal of the executive committee of the city council for the conversion of a warehouse. In December 1986, the church building was opened a chess club. Instead of destroying the church stained glass windows were created by new, with chess symbols. Chess club housed in the church about 5 years. But believers do not lose hope and before the proclamation of independence of Ukraine have begun to fight for the return of the church. In 1992, the temple was temporarily given the status of a cathedral.

Today Chernivtsi Church of Agia Paraskevi is an active church UOC-KP.

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Church of St. Paraskevi
Assumption Cathedral
Church of Exaltation
Nativity Church