Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krk
   Photo: Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krk

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krk was built in the early Middle Ages on the ruins of Roman baths master Juraj of Zadar in 1442. In 1509 the church was destroyed and rebuilt again by the Venetians. Subsequent reconstruction were conducted in 1695, 1716 and 1726, respectively.

The main altar of the church includes four statues of saints - Simeon, Anna, Anthony and Margarita, created by renowned sculptor Jacopo Kontiera. The ceiling of the church is decorated with artful stone reliefs in the Baroque style. And the walls are decorated with the famous Italian artist Augusto Pagliarini in 1932, based on the general style stucco in the church.

At the initiative of Ander Louis Adamik city architect Joseph Storm in 1824, he restored Gothic and Renaissance of the facade, and a sculpture on the pediment - the Virgin Mary surrounded by two angels - were established in 1890.

Next to the church is the bell tower, also built on the ruins of ancient Roman buildings. The main door of the bell tower date back to 1377 year. Belfry with Gothic arches belfry received during the restoration at the end of the XV century. According to the data of 1920, the bell tower tilted by 40 cm, so the locals call it his "Leaning Tower".

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Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krk