Ningaloo Reef
   Photo: Ningaloo Reef

Ningaloo Reef - the famous coral reef, which stretches for 260 km along the coast of Western Australia from Cape Northwest. Its width - about 20 km, and in some places it is coming to the shore for a distance of 50 meters. It is the only reef, located so close to the continent, and Australia's longest continuous barrier reef.

In this tropical underwater paradise inhabited by 500 species of fish and 220 species of coral. But the most famous inhabitants of the reef - whale sharks, reaching 12 meters in length. Here you can see giant manta rays, dolphins, sea turtles and whales - humpback and southern. Among the corals scurry clumsy dugong.

Every year on the reef turns an amazing view: the spring a myriad of coral polyps at the same time throws the sea mature egg. Here in anticipation of the feast there are various crustaceans, and behind them - whale sharks, like vacuum cleaner draws krill into their huge jaws ... This is the best time to watch the great natural spectacle from aboard a boat or diving with a mask in the thick of things. Only one must not forget that the touch of any marine life is prohibited. The whole reef is part of the marine park, "Ningaloo."

To get to the reef can be a flight from Perth to Lirmonta and then by bus to the town of Exmouth. The best time to visit the reef is the period from April to July - at this time of year is a good chance meeting with the ocean giants - whale.

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Ningaloo Reef
Great Ocean Road and rocks 12 Apostles
Yarra Valley