Recreation area Higashi and geisha house
   Photo: Recreation area Higashi and geisha house

District Higashi, founded in 1820 in Kanazawa is considered the largest and most spectacular of the three areas of the city, inhabited by geisha. Higashi and neighborhoods Kadzue-machi and Nishi-tyaya-gai are historical and cultural value, are attractive to tourists. In these areas, regularly hosts musical performances featuring geisha.

In feudal Japan geisha entertained visitors on-tyaya - storey tea houses, where banquets and other entertainment events where other women's access was closed. Kanazawa was literally littered on-tyaya, which are particularly numerous in the central part of town, however, they were a good distance from the quarter Nagamati where high-ranking samurai lived with their families.

In the Edo period, it was forbidden to build a two-storey house, except on-tyaya so geisha house is easy to find on their appearance. On the ground floor of the house we are living rooms, while the second - a banquet hall with a small stage on which visitors represented the geisha and their artful skills - dancing, singing or playing a musical instrument. Also in her duties included serving as hostess and entertainment guests with exquisite conversations. The word "geisha" consists of two characters "man" and "art", respectively, it can be translated as "a man of art."

In the district of Higashi best known geisha teahouse Kaykaro which has 180 years, as well as geisha house Sima in which preserved the original furniture and interior and which now operates as a museum.

Also geisha houses in the area Higashi you can see the art of making traditional musical instruments shamisen, lute-like, and visit the shop Sakuda, which sells gold items and gold leaf. Kanazawa in Japan is a monopolist in the production of gold foil, which is made with 1593. The very name of the city means "golden swamp." According to legend, a farmer Imohori Togoro one day, washing up in one of the source, found in the water of gold flakes.

In the area carefully preserved ancient traditions of wooden architecture. The appearance of old buildings has been recreated in the construction of restaurants, souvenir shops and tea houses.

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Recreation area Higashi and geisha house
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Samurai quarter Nagamati
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