Folklore-ethnographic equestrian theater "Zaporozhye Cossacks"
   Photo: Folklore-ethnographic equestrian theater "Zaporozhye Cossacks"

Folklore-ethnographic equestrian theater "Zaporozhye Cossacks" is located in the city of Zaporozhye, in the southeastern part of the biggest island of the Dnieper Khortytsya. Horse theater cherishes the ancient Cossack traditions and is one of the trademarks of this great city.

Khortitskiy Horse Regiment, also known as the "Black Regiment of Cossacks", previously was a member of the Zaporozhye division. It was formed in 1915 during the First World War and was the strongest division of the Ukrainian People's Army. The regiment participated in the battles against the Austrian and German troops, and also participated in the battles during the Civil War.

Today visitors Equestrian Theater exposure provided weapons seventeenth - eighteenth century and the Civil War. In addition, there is stored Khortitsa extravagant uniforms of soldiers, through which the regiment received the name "Black of the Cossacks" and many other interesting exhibits (machine gun, tachanka, banners, etc.). Near Equestrian Theater, in the hangar, the first stored the exhibits of ancient navigation - Cossack ships of XVIII century "The Seagull" and "Brigantine", which had been raised from the bottom of the Dnieper River in the years 1999-2007.

Horse theater "Zaporozhye Cossacks" constantly conducts various folklore performances with the performances of folk ensembles, equestrian performances, demonstrations of traditional Cossack crafts, exciting Cossack games and entertainment.

On the territory of folklore-ethnographic equestrian theater are two kolyby, sheds and summer café "Cossack collateral" where you can sample traditional Ukrainian cuisine.

For lovers of horse riding and equestrian sports at the theater works Riding school with experienced instructors. Thoroughbred horses, Ukrainian color, bright national costumes and medieval weapons - creating the illusion of historical reality.

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Folklore-ethnographic equestrian theater Zaporozhye Cossacks
Khortytsya Island
St. Andrew's Cathedral
Memorial-tourist complex Scythian Camp