Peter and Paul Cathedral
   Photo: Peter and Paul Cathedral

Peter and Paul Cathedral, which is located in Lugansk, is one of two Orthodox churches that survived the Bolsheviks. It is located at the 2nd Cooperative lane 10a. According to documentary evidence, on the very spot where now stands the cathedral in 1761 with the blessing of His Eminence Iosaf (Matkevich), who was bishop of Belgorod and Oboyan, it was built a wooden church in honor of Saints Peter and Paul.

After thirty years, the building has strongly decayed and in October 1795 it was repaired and completely rebuilt. It was built with great stone cathedral bell tower, there were seven bells and many icons. In connection with the ensuing after the 1917 revolution, the anti-religious war destroyed many temples Lugansk, but Peter and Paul Cathedral in this respect much more fortunate others. In 1929, deciding to give the building a cathedral school, but soon changed their minds, and instead open a cinema in the cathedral, which bore the symbolic name "Godless". The church was completely ransacked, dismantled iconostasis, was acquitted of all domes and bell thickly whitewashed frescoes. But the building itself remained intact, it is not blown up, in contrast to many other temples of the city.

During the Great Patriotic War in 1942 and Paul Cathedral once again opened its doors to all believers. Since then, the cathedral will never closed despite struggling with the believers and the church, which lasted a very long time.

At the moment, the abbot is the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Archpriest Basil catfish. In 2011 Lugansk Paul Cathedral celebrated its 250th anniversary.

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Peter and Paul Cathedral