Valaam Transfiguration Monastery
   Photo: Valaam Transfiguration Monastery

Reliable history of Valaam began the XIV century and the beginning of the XVI century lived here for more than six hundred monks. Stone construction unfolded on Valaam only at the end of the eighteenth century, when the monastery was headed by the famous Sarov Elder Nazarius, but the greatest flourishing of the monastery took place in the XIX century under abbot Nazarov, who continued the stone building and resumed missionary work. By the middle of the XIX century, the monastery resembles a small state with its autocrat-rector, spiritual police in subsistence farming, trade and finance, as well as very hard-charter law.

The central manor of the monastery is located high on a hill and is a well-proportioned ensemble, the center of which is the Transfiguration Cathedral, visible from many parts of the island. It is surrounded by the housing communal cells, and the hill lie the gardens. Cross-domed Cathedral, the eight columns is divided into three naves. The lower, winter church, consecrated in the name of St. Sergius and George, the top - of the Transfiguration. Bell tower of stacked, her were reinforced 13 bells, of which remained only the largest. Belltower ends hipped roof with a cupola on the original form of the octagonal drum.

Holy Gates and Peter and Paul Church turned to the grand staircase leading from the marina. Buildings were built in the Russian style, Peter and Paul Church - in the style of Russian classicism of the XVIII century.

To the north of the central line of the outer quads monastic estates adjacent old monastery cemetery, which served for burials in the XVIII century to the middle of the XIX century. The most scenic drive from the center of the estate to the monastery abbot's cemetery. At the beginning of an alley lined with Siberian fir, and then - European larch. For oak grove cemetery is complex, built in 1876.

Nicholas Island is located at the exit from the Monastery Bay, at its northern end. Island mastered by monks in the XVIII century, when there were fishermen's huts and wooden worship cross. In place of the cross rose chapel of St. Nicholas, the patron of the seas. In 1809, a stone chapel was built, and in 1853 - the church. The monastery lived 12 monks, who in addition to fishing carried out customs inspection of arriving pilgrims (to Valaam was banned transportation of alcoholic drinks and tobacco).

The largest on Valaam monastery of All Saints (White) is located on the island of Skete. the skit was the most severe in the monastery, pilgrims were allowed here only once a year. whale appeared in 1793, in the middle of the XVIII century built a wooden church of St. Alexander Svirsky, in its place in 1850, built a church bunk, the top tier in the name of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land. In the years 1842-1845 built all 8 buildings of the monastery, united deaf fence into a rectangle, the corners of which are set octagonal tower with a tent roof.

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Valaam Transfiguration Monastery