Lake Nesamovyte
   Photo: Lake Nesamovyte

Nesamovyte Lake - one of the attractions of the Ukrainian Carpathians, is located at an altitude of 1750 meters and is situated between the mountains and Turkul ribs. The lake water is crystal clear, because it gets here due to melting of the ancient glaciers.

This place is striking in its beauty and primeval. Just imagine - around the lake are sharp and forbidding rocks - large and small goat. However, the lake is located in a large valley, where the head is turned by the fragrance of wildflowers and plants, and you can escape the heat in the shade of alpine pine trees. The depth of the lake is 1-1.5 meters.

Locals revere this place and try not to make noise here. It comes from a legend that it is in this lake the souls of all suicides. And if you throw a stone into the water, then you can worry the soul that will appear in the sky as black clouds. And then you would find on the road necessarily bad weather. There are, however, less terrible legend. For example, according to one of them, swim in the lake, you will not only look younger, but also to find their happiness. So what to choose what to believe.

Another interesting fact: The lake is located near the factory on processing of medicinal plants, but as a result of the collapse of the factory literally flattened, and in its place formed another lake. And now, among the thickets of alpine pine can be found the remains of the factory equipment.

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Lake Nesamovyte
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