House of Prayer Evangelical Christians-Baptists
   Photo: House of Prayer Evangelical Christians-Baptists

House of Prayer Evangelical Baptist was built in the town of Kobrin in the period 1989-1993 and by the donations of the faithful. Witnesses say that the construction was carried out on pure enthusiasm. When starting to build a house of worship, we did not know how it will turn out, because the final draft was not yet ready. As a result, we made a few mistakes, which then had to be corrected.

This is one of the largest and most majestic Baptist houses of worship in the world. There 1400 seats for the congregation.

In 2012, the donations of the faithful was reconstructed scenes, which allowed to eliminate the errors in the construction.

Baptist - one of the directions of Protestant Christianity, confession, diverged from the English Puritans. Representatives of other Christian denominations often hostile to Christians-Baptists, but in spite of persecution, it is one of the largest and most prosperous Christian denominations in the world.

In Kobrin lives big happy community of Christians-Baptists, who carry out educational, missionary, educational and charitable activities. Baptists attach great importance to music and singing, so in Bethesda constantly held a variety of concerts.

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House of Prayer Evangelical Christians-Baptists
St. George Church
Kobrin waterpark