Rock Monastery in Tipova
   Photo: Rock Monastery in Tipova

Rock Monastery in Tipova - one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions of Moldova, the biggest rock monastery in Central Europe. It is close to no less famous gorge nature reserve Tipova.

The monastery was founded in the VI century on the banks of the Dniester River, near the village of Tipova. According to one legend, she is secretly married the great ruler of Moldova, Stefan cel Mare with his third wife Maria Voykitsey. Her ghost still wanders among the caves of the monastery and can even point to a hidden treasure, if you do not be afraid to follow him to the full moon. There is also another ancient legend among the local rocks crashed mythological poet Orpheus, unable to bear the separation from his beloved Eurydice, who was buried in one of the niches of the monastery. Remains of Orpheus rest of the stonework, securely locked Tablet with seven holes.

The heyday of rock monasteries in Tipova hits the 1700s years. At the time, began a large-scale restructuring and expansion of the monastery, the main church is divided into several rooms, which are separated from each other by a series of columns. Cliffs, which cut cell, church with bell tower, refectory - practically impregnable, and served as a safe haven for hermits.

In the Soviet period Tsipova monastery was closed, but in 1974 his remains taken under state protection. In 1994 the monastery was returned to believers, resumed service. Recently there was a large-scale reconstruction and today anyone can visit the cave monastery in the territory Tipova at any time.

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