Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ
   Photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ

For over three hundred years, the city of Staraya Russa decorates the Cathedral of the Resurrection, which is located on the beautiful picturesque riverside Polist. The construction of the cathedral were in 1692. It was built on the site of a pre-existing wooden church in honor of the Holy Virgin. Not only the design and construction of a new church immediately engaged warden named COMP M., originally coined the construction of the cathedral literally "forever."

The base of the temple took place in the reign of Peter the Great, but still carries a temple eventful history. As you know, Staraya Russa was always crowded city, for which reason it was decided to restructure the existing at that time a small church of Intercession. Cathedral in honor of the Resurrection was finally built in the summer of 1696 that documented. The bright memory of a former church on the site of a new church decided to consecrate one of pridelnyh altars in honor of the Intercession. South chapel he named St. John the Baptist, who was also inherited from the former church, located within walking distance from the new temple. The very first was arranged Pokrovsky altar, the consecration which took place in October 1697, which were carried out and all the services until 1705, and after in 1708 was consecrated the second altar of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and services were held in it.

Sacred prayer life of the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in the city has always attracted famous visitors. It is known that the temple itself was Peter who sincerely prayed before the image of Our Lady. The cathedral and visited Catherine II and almost all following her rulers and their families.

Over the 1797 to 1801 years, not far from the temple was built a new stone bell tower on the site of the former Old. It consisted of three tiers. In the upper tier of the bell tower in 1811 were set ringing clock with eight bells. They were made by masters from Tula.

In the period from 1828 to 1833 years, according to the petition of citizens, Resurrection church was rebuilt because of dilapidation and extraordinary tightness. Project took the famous Russian architect Vasily Petrovich Stasov. The temple has got some features of Russian-Byzantine style, his views became the majestic and solemn. At the same time in 1835 on the money of citizens it was built the fourth tier of the belfry.

The most significant change in the church occurred in the early 20th century, when the cathedral underwent extensive renovations under the direction of the Imperial Archaeological Commission on charges of contributors; reasons for the repair become large cracks in the walls and foundation subsidence, which could lead to a complete collapse of the temple. The interior of the cathedral at different times have been arranged gilded carved iconostasis made of wood. At the end of the 19th century, the cathedral was almost entirely decorated with paintings.

After the October Revolution Church of the Resurrection was badly damaged. Initially, during the persecution of the church services were terminated, after which they were suspended in 1936 and to an even longer period, the cathedral became the milking time, full of desolation and muteness. Throughout 1937, the church building was constructed museum. During World War II it was used as a hospital, and the German forces decided to make the temple a stall for horses. After the war had passed, the building of the Cathedral of the Resurrection decided to make a movie theater, and then made him a blasphemous warehouse, designed for glass containers.

In 1985, in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ he has begun the work of Military History Museum officious, whose activities continued there until 1992. In 1993, for the joy of all the faithful Cathedral Resurrection Cathedral began his new life, returning to the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 2008, in the Cathedral of large-scale reconstruction works were carried out, after which the summer July 12, 2008, he was inaugurated. This day marked the consecration of the cathedral. In 2009, the spiers was hoisted nine crosses. To date, the Cathedral of the Resurrection is valid.

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Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ
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