Kalmyk Republican museum of local lore
   Photo: Kalmyk Republican museum of local lore

Kalmyk Republican Local History Museum is located along Djangar. Here are the unique exhibits of history, culture and archeology of the Kalmyk people. The museum is named after its founder Nicholas Palmov.

The museum was founded in March 1921, the initiators of its creation and the founders were prominent PV Rykov and NN Palma. Thanks to them were collected rich ethnographic and archaeological materials, which laid the foundation of the first collection of the museum of Kalmyk. The opening of the first museum in the summer of 1931 during the German occupation of the city museum was completely destroyed. The second time, the museum was opened in January 1960, after the return of deported Kalmyks in Elista.

Prior to the construction of a new modern building in the street Djangar, museum housed in two small buildings on the street Suseeva. To date, the Kalmyk Republic Regional Museum holds about 70 thousand. Pieces. The exposition area of ​​the museum is 357 sq.m. The museum is divided into several departments, namely: Department funds expositional department dedicated to history of the region and the department of protection of historical heritage and monuments. The most valuable collections of local history museum are: a collection of Buddhist worship, a collection of coins, rare books fund, a collection of archaeological and ethnographic collection.

The museum often hosts seminars, various exhibitions, conferences and themed evenings. When the Kalmyk republican museum of local lore worked as a research library and archive.

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Kalmyk Republican museum of local lore
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