Monument letter "¡The"
   Photo: Monument to the letter "¡The"

Monument ¡The letter in Polotsk was established in September 7, 2003 in the tenth anniversary year of the celebration of the Belarusian Written Language.

Not random selection of the monument in the city of Polotsk - the enlightened ancient city in the country is closely linked to the history of Belarusian book printing. Polotsk - the city's oldest Jesuit college, city and Simeon of Polotsk Euphrosyne of Polotsk - heavenly patrons and educators of the Belarusian people.

It is no accident and the place where the monument ¡The letter - Square, named after the first Belarusian printer Francis Skorina.

This unique character, which has become a symbol of the Belarusian alphabet consisting of 32 letters, has 22 serial number. Such letters are not in any alphabet world. According to statistics drawn linguists sound at the designated short, it is found in most of the Belarusian speech. It is he who gives voice soft and melodic.

The author of the monument of the Belarusian letter - an outstanding sculptor, assistant professor of sculpture of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Finnish.

The monument is made in the form of a stele, depicting ¡The letter, as well as the entire Belarusian alphabet. Stella can also serve as a sundial. When given a fine day on this sundial is possible to determine the time of day.

At the very patriotic monument of Belarus held rallies and meetings, celebrations, honoring, festivities. Belarus is very proud that it is the cultural and reading population. A lot of money and effort spent on training and patriotic upbringing of the younger generation.

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Monument letter ¡The
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