Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ
   Photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ

Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ is located in Luga and a 19th-century stone building, built in pseudo-Russian style.

Due to the increase in the number of worshipers in the cathedral Catherine Luga, in 1869, it was decided and organized trusteeship on building next to the cathedral of the new church. The project of the cathedral in the Russian-Byzantine style was adopted by 10 December 1870 the author of the project was Vindelbant VV

The temple was founded in 1873. Resurrection Cathedral was built entirely on private donations. He headed the committee for the construction of the temple merchant AI Bolotov But due to lack of funds to build it it was suspended, and the project has been revised with a view to reduce the cost of the architect GI Karpov. The five-domed, he replaced a large head, surrounded by eight smaller domes, bell tower reduced, removed most of the decorative elements of the exterior of the building.

Construction of the temple went almost fourteen years. The bulk of it was built in 1884, but finishing work was completed only in 1887. The temple is a domed building chetyrёhstolpnuyu having a three-level bell tower, bell tower and dome of completion - tent. On the bell tower of the church before the revolution there were 12 bells, the largest of which weighed 490 pounds and was cast doped silver.

Resurrection Church was consecrated on October 3, 1887. The temple had three altars: the central aisle of the - of the Resurrection; South chapel - St. John the Evangelist, the northern chapel - in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. South chapel was consecrated John of Kronstadt November 12, 1896. August 19, 1900 in the Cathedral of the Resurrection at the Divine Liturgy was attended by Emperor Nicholas II and his family.
Main revered shrines of the Cathedral - Pechersk Icon of Our Lady of the Assumption (now - Luga Kazan Cathedral) and a list of miracle-working icon of St. John the Evangelist Cheremenetskoy (each year in May from Cheremenetskogo John the Theologian monastery in the Cathedral of the Resurrection religious procession with this icon).

By the Resurrection Cathedral also been attributed to the chapel: the market in the city park in the nearby villages and Estomichi Rakovic; at the church acted a parish school and guardianship. When it was established Luzhskoye vicariate, in July 1917 the Resurrection Cathedral received the status of a cathedral. The cathedral was renovated in the summer of 1936. And in 1937, all members of the clergy, headed by the rector Zacharias Bochenin were arrested and subsequently shot near St. Petersburg. Officially, the church was closed May 13, 1938. Most of the icons were taken and burned, chetyrehyarusny carved iconostasis was destroyed, bells destroyed.

In the period from 1938 to 1941 the temple was used as a dance floor. During the occupation, he took part of the German military. After the war, the temple was empty and destroyed. In 1980 it was planned to place the museum. July 18, 1991 Resurrection Church gave believers. Since 1993, there are restoration works.

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Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ
Catherine's Cathedral