Fortress Bedem
   Photo: Fortress Bedem

The fortress was built by the Turks Bedem that after the capture of Niksic made the city his line of defense. Initially, it was the forerunner of this fortress city. In 1518 it recorded the first mention of the fortress Bedem. Until today, the fortress ruins remain in the vicinity of modern Niksic.

By the way, the town got its name during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. Prior to this, this area has changed several names: the Romans built a settlement here with fortified camp, called Anagastam, and in the Middle Ages, when the region was occupied by Slavs, the city was named Onogosht.

In 1877 the town was liberated from the Turkish rule, and then gradually started to become Niksic urban settlements, since the need for fortification is eliminated. Freed from the Turks, the city began to live a new life, attracting new settlers.

The ruins of the fortress constructed by the Turks Bedem today protected by the state as a national historical monument. More recently, the citadel complex underwent restoration, after which it reached an area of ​​several hectares. The fortress is located on a hill overlooking the valley and on Niksic cliffs.

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Fortress Bedem