Salvation Mountain Tashtar-Ata
   Photo: Salvation Mountain Tashtar-Ata

Tashtar-Ata (with the Kyrgyz "Father Stone"), or in another way, "Salvation Mountain" - a man-made mound of rounded stones, which is located in the center of the eponymous mountain plateau on the border of the Tien Shan and the Chui valley, 10 kilometers from Bishkek - the capital of Kyrgyzstan. In 2005, the administration Alamedin district of Chui oblast, which is Tashtar-Ata, brought it into the modern mountain cartography of Kyrgyzstan on the basis of historical and cultural examination carried out by Professor Jenishbek Nazaraliev.

Ancient legends when Tashtar Ata inseparable from historical facts. The oral folklore Tashtar Ata acquires an aura of mystery; Mountain appears as a place to send prayers and religious rituals. In 329 BC armies of Alexander the Great invaded Central Asia. Not far from the current location Tashtar Ata Great erected a fortress city - Alexandria Eskhata. From there he continued to lead his men to the East to create a great empire.

One of the legends tells that the great defender of the Kyrgyz people Batyr Tashtar-Ata 40 days and 40 nights fought with the forces of evil for the freedom and prosperity of the beautiful fertile valley, which lies in the foothills. Batyr defeated, lay down to rest after the fight and went to sleep forever. A century on the site where the hero was killed, was a majestic stone, embodied fortitude Batyr. According to legend, since anyone who brings a stone to the mountain and throws him on the mound Tashtar-Ata with a prayer for happiness finds peace of mind. Confirmation of the relevance of ancient traditions is a man-made mound.

From the foot of the plateau to the mound it is paved with stone staircase consisting of 365 steps. It symbolizes the path to inner purification. According to legend, each stage of a man carrying a stone top, getting closer to getting rid of their problems.

Stone balbals on Tashtar Ata act as gatekeepers. Researchers have not yet been agreed, what are these stone statues, carved by ancient masters: the incarnation of the deceased ancestor, the personification of the enemy killed or regular hitching post. These statues scattered in the vast territory of Mongolia to the southern Russian steppes, there are between 9 and 15 centuries.

Facilities near a fireplace Tashtar-Ata was the place where according to legend the ancient shamans in their funeral ritual called upon the spirits of ancestors, asking rid of invasions of foreigners or to save the crop from drought, and livestock - from diseases. And prayed for the salvation of souls, since it was thought that the fire was clearing his mind of the faithful light. Fireplace tourists and pilgrims used to burn in the flames of some of his things from his former life. It turns into ashes symbolically commemorate the unfortunate past.

Resistant prickly survivor - Hawthorn considered by many peoples sacred talisman. Tying a strip of material on its branches, people attached to its strength and resilience. This custom was kept up to date from different nations with different religions. Tying his strong knot on one of the branches of hawthorn, a man forever in the subconscious reinforces his decision to change his life for the better.

In June 2013 at Mount Tashtar-Ata was opened spiritual and architectural complex consisting of four religious buildings. Jewish and Muslim prayer rooms, a Christian chapel and a Buddhist stupa were reconstructed on the initiative of Professor Nazaraliev. The basis for their construction were the scraps of information about the existence of chapels and prayer rooms of key world religions on the route of the Silk Road - the trade corridor between Europe and Asia in the area of ​​modern Tashtar-Ata. June 26, 2013 the official representatives of religious confessions in Kyrgyzstan dedicated the building and read a prayer over them.

Most tourists and pilgrims from other countries Salvation Mountain Tashtar-Ata, known for its sacred meaning, myths and legends. More than ten years to the foot Tashtar Ata attracts people, each with their own problems, and installation, but in the hope of a miraculous act, whether it be in poor health, the acquisition and maintenance of fitness, psychological disorder, rejuvenation or infertility. For healing come to the mountain, even with small children.

Recently, on the hill more and more addicts are raised with the hope to get rid of drugs and start a new life. Annually Tashtar Ata visited thousands of tourists and pilgrims.

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Salvation Mountain Tashtar-Ata