Local History Museum "Belomorsk petroglyphs"
   Photo: National History Museum "Belomorsk petroglyphs"

Belomorsky District Local History Museum "Belomorsk petroglyphs" was created thanks to a group of enthusiasts, who was busy creating in Belomorsk public historical museum. Due to the active work of the group in 1961, the museum opened the first exhibition.

Under the direction of Yu Savvateeva archaeologists in Belomorsk in 1963 and 1965 it found a large number of rock art - petroglyphs. They were created about 6 thousand. Years ago in the Neolithic epoch ancient fishermen and hunters. During this discovery of a group of rock paintings "Sledkov devils" who discovered AM Linevsky, the construction of a protective pavilion. In 1968, construction was completed and opened a small exhibition, which was dedicated to archaeological finds and monuments of Karelia. That was the year the Museum received its name - "White Sea petroglyphs."

To date, the foundation of the museum collection includes ethnographic materials (subjects of a life of inhabitants of Primorye, crafts and implements of labor, arts and crafts, clothing) and archaeological collections. Of particular interest are the collections of stone tools from the Neolithic era, female costume items seaside, religious mednolitye articles, copper utensils 19-20 centuries., Photos of residents of Primorye 19 - early. 20th centuries.

The exhibition "Sea coast-dwellers culture" to. 19 - early. 20th century located in Pulmo floating workshop, which is located at the pier seaport Belomorsk. The exhibition consists of several parts: "Trade relations", "mammal and fisheries", "Shturmanskie school Pomerania", "Shipbuilding", "Center of the Pomeranian coast" .In the exhibition you can see objects of traditional fisheries, to trace their historical formation and development. On display are documents, photos, weapons and crafts, models of ships, household items of the seaside villages of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

One of the curiosities of the museum is the "Plan Shizhenskoy Village" (1852), in which are written the names of all homeowners. Also on display you can see the compass, the uterus, the book "Kurs sailing" and the album of lithographs by "Types areas of the Solovetsky Monastery", in 1884, and others. Due to its placement at the pier, the exposition often come tourists.

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Local History Museum Belomorsk petroglyphs