Buvet "fungus"
   Photo: Buvet "fungus"

Architectural and historical monuments as well as a symbol of the picturesque old town is Morshyn mineral water pump room, which was lovingly called residents and vacationers - "fungus."

Buvet "fungus" located in the park area and is the main source of known natural (natural) mineral water "Morshynska" that turned the picturesque village into a resort Morshyn global significance. With its distinctive architecture, well-room "fungus" has long been a hallmark of this resort. Well-room depicted on the emblem of the city Morshyn and on the label of bottled mineral water "Morshynska."

The opening of the pump-room "fungus" was held in the central park Morshyn in 1935. It is designed for servicing of six thousand people. Heating and preparation of therapeutic concentrations of mineral water produced under the watchful supervision of hydro-chemical laboratory in a separate pump room.

From the well-room "Fungus" radiate alley spa park to the large indoor pavilion obschekurortnogo well-room mineral water, obschekurortnoy balneogryazelechebnitsy, Morshinska Palace of Culture, the sanatorium "Pearl Prykarpattya" and "Dniester", as well as to the train station. To the left of the chapel is an architectural monument.

Every day at the well-room "fungus" is going to a huge crowd of people who want to collect himself Morshynska water. Throughout the park a large number of sculptures on the ancient theme.

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Buvet fungus