Church of St. Martin
   Photo: Church of St. Martin

Church of St. Martin is located in Naestved, on the Danish island of Zealand. This is one of the medieval churches of the city. Sources mention it with about 1280 - it is believed that the church of St. Martin was built around the year 1200. The building was originally designed as a parish church. It is one of five churches in Naestved: there is also the Church of St. Peter, the Church of St. John, the church and the church Herlufskholm Holsted.

Church of St. Martin was built in the Gothic style of brick. The oldest part of the church were built in the early 13th century. In the 15th century the church was extended, but the baptismal chapel and porch were completed only in the 1850s.

On the frescoes covering the walls of the church, Saint Martin is depicted sitting on a horse and cut off part of his cloak to give it to the beggar. The first body of Hans Brebusa installed in the church in 1587. Hans Brebus - Flemish masters for the production of bodies working in Denmark and Sweden. Altar, established in 1667, has a height of 6 meters, decorated with human figures depicted somewhat grotesque. These images are considered to be the work of Abel Schroeder, which replaces the position of organist at the church for 42 years. The department made the church his father Abel Schroeder.

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Church of St. Martin