National Railway Museum
   Photo: The National Railway Museum

Railway Museum in York included in the British National Museum of Science and Industry. It presents the history of the railways and their influence on the development of society as a whole. The museum has a number of prestigious awards, including the "European Museum of the Year" in 2001.

The museum displays more than 300 pieces of rolling stock, including more than 100 locomotives. All of them either went on the roads of the UK or have been built here. Apart from these, hundreds of thousands of different items offered to the visitors in the area of ​​8 hectares. It is the largest museum of its kind in the UK.

The history of railway transport is represented here by different types of locomotives and wagons. There is in this museum and its champions: the train "Flying Scotsman" - a train, the longest not to change your itinerary and the names. It runs since 1862 along the route London - Edinburgh. The fastest steam locomotive - Class A4 steam locomotive number 4468 «Mallard» July 3, 1938 on a small slope accelerate to 202, 7 km / h. Here you can see the cars in which the queen traveled - from Victoria to Elizabeth II.

The museum has an extensive collection of signaling equipment, posters and drawings, tickets, labels, forms, railroad, hours, drawings, and a huge number of existing models of trains. Model railway ring acts in the museum since 1982, and no one knows who gets more pleasure in a museum - adults or children.

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National Railway Museum