   Photo: Bastille

Bastille is located in Grenoble on the right bank of the river Isère, it was built in the middle of the XIX century. However, at the end of the XVI century on this place was built a fortress to protect against the attacks of Grenoble. The initiator of the construction was the Duke de Frans de Bonn Lediger, seized Grenoble and became its ruler. All this happened during the wars of religion, and the duke himself led the army of the Huguenots. The tower was named the Bastille, and then the name stuck and the other defensive structures, and by the hill.

Besides the fortress, the Duke ordered to update the wall of the fortress - to build a more powerful on the former site, built by the Romans. New strengthening not only can withstand a serious onslaught on their construction also significantly increased the area of ​​the fort. Today these fortifications can be seen only a few fragments.

In the XVII century fortress Grenoble could be strengthened famous fortifier Sebastien de Vauban, who during his career has built and rebuilt more than one castle in France. But in spite of the developed project restructuring, work to strengthen it have not been conducted. There was only built a warehouse for gunpowder and made earth mounds.

In the XVIII century fortifications on the hill Bastille proved unnecessary, and subsequently abandoned. "Orphan" buildings suffered damage during the two severe floods in the first half of the century. After about a century fort Bastille again needed the French state, so the ruins of the fortress once construction began. Works were supervised by military engineer, General Francois Nicolas Benoit Acxo.

Bastille was a military target before 1940. At present, there are located the center of contemporary art, restaurants, observation deck, a military museum. Before the fortress can be reached by cable car.

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