Marian Bridge
   Photo: Marian Bridge

Most bizarre, memorable shape that connects the two banks of the Elbe River, is located in Usti nad Labem. He looks so unusual that is replicated on tourist postcards, posters, magnets and key chains. Marian Bridge, created in 1995-1998, is considered a modern symbol of the capital Ústí Region. Capture yourself in his background tends to every tourist who arrives in the city.

The proximity to the Marian rock gave the name of the new bridge and largely determine its shape. Its architectural design is required to bridge the genius of Roman Kouchki and work of other engineers. In 1999, the work of designers Mariana bridge was awarded by the European Association of Steel Construction. In 2001, this design has received yet another title, but by journalists. The staff of the specialized magazine on architecture and design made bridge in Ústí nad Labem in the list of 10 most original and eye-catching steel structures of the world, built in the 90s of the last century.

The bridge is intended for vehicles, but also pedestrians can use it. The path to them is located directly in the center of the structure.

Marian Bridge is the youngest of the three bridges of Usti nad Labem. Construction of this facility across the river cost the city 750 million crowns. Bridge has repeatedly been tested for durability. His support withstood the floods in 2002, 2006 and 2013.

Despite all the advantages of the Mariana bridge, the city can not say that his appearance helped unload the rest of the river crossing. Such a great location, Usti nad Labem, which is also one of the largest industrial centers of the Czech Republic, needs another overpass that would connect the city center with the area red and Březno.

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Marian Bridge
Church of St. Adalbert
North Bohemian Theatre of Opera and Ballet