Negotiation stone
   Photo: Negotiation stone

Negotiation stone - a famous and unique monument of its kind, which marks a memorable place where the summer June 22, 1855, negotiations were held between the British officer and the chief abbot of the Solovetsky Monastery Archimandrite Alexander in the face. Stone is located two kilometers from the village, right on the shore of the White Sea on the way to a rocky promontory Pechak. The monument was erected in the following year after a conversation, that is, in 1856. Negotiation is a rectangular stone slab of stone on top of the treated part has an engraved inscription. Stone is made in the monastery kamenotesnoy workshop.

Available on the negotiation stone inscription tells about the events occurred here: at a time when the war started in England, France, Sardinia and Turkey and Russia, on the site of the current location of the stone a conversation Archimandrite Alexander and the British officer Anton. Enemy squadron stood near the shore - they demanded from the monastery of the bulls. After the talks were held, which ended very successfully for the monastery, the abbot Alexander returned to his monastery had lunch and went and served prayers and liturgy in the Assumption Cathedral - the end of life was only four hours. It is known that during the week, when the negotiations were conducted, held particularly strict fasting, therefore the Lord did not allow the invasion of the enemy at the monastery land and marine fleet retreated.

Throughout 1855, the ship of the Union squadron six times nearer to Solovki, but took no action to implement the landing, but still have noticed as a reference point unrestricted Zayatsky Big Island. The very first time British troops were near the walls of the monastery extended summer June 15 - then screw the largest battleship tonnage anchored a few miles from the big impregnable fortress wall. A small group of officers and sailors landed on the shore of the Big Island Zayatsky.

After the landing of the British slaughtered sheep belonging to the monastery and dragged prey to the ship, as well as interested in the number and amount of weapons monastery. In addition, the uninvited guests required to deliver their ship bulls, or they will take away the power of all the cattle. English officer ordered to convey the message of the abbot of the monastery, that a few days later, they return to their prey, and will not accept failure. The note was written in broken Russian. Villagers came to the conclusion that things were very bad on the part of foreign aggressors food. In addition, taking the sheep, they have not paid the monastery.

Three days later, the British once again landed on the island for meat .  But, landed on the island, they got a flat refusal and ordered to call for talks with the main monastery .  Archimandrite Alexander accepted the challenge and came to talks .  British officer desperately demanded Archimandrite oxen what the abbot said that they do not .  Then the British began to ask the cows, but also was rejected, because the monks were fed cow's milk .  On the part of the officer began to receive threats - he said that a couple of weeks here come the strong fleet and then the monastery exactly regret his decision .  But even the threat had no effect on the father of Alexander, though he said that if at least someone landed on the island, he will order all the cows have shot and thrown into the sea, where no one ever finds animals .  On that note, the talks ended .  In memory of this event on a boulder near the sea was set negotiation stone .

The next day, the enemy ships withdrew, but still dragged on your board wood, which were accumulated frugal monks. It is worth noting that by the mid-19th century, the monastery had no weapons and even a small army. High strong walls and harbor complex in structure, which was built through hard work of the Russian people, forced the British troops to retreat.

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