Museum-Estate Arkhangelskoye
   Photo: Museum-Estate Arkhangelskoye

Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum is located in the Krasnogorsk district of Moscow region, 20 kilometers west of Moscow. This manor house - a unique monument of Russian culture. Base Arkhangelskoye refers to the 1660 th year, when it was owned by Ya.N.Odoevsky. From 1681 to 1703 the estate belonged to M.Ya.Cherkasskomu. Then went Golitsyn, who owned the Archangel until 1810, when it bought N.B.Yusupov. The existing ensemble was founded N.A.Golitsynym in the 1780s. In 1810 Arkhangelsk bought Prince Nikolai Yusupov, famous collectors and art lovers.

The Grand Palace was built in the 80s. XVIII century French architect Charles de Gurney. In one wing of the palace is the famous art gallery and a library of Prince Yusupov. In the 1790s. designed by the Italian D. Trombaro front of the palace were built three terraces with marble balustrades. The terraces are decorated with flowerbeds, balustrades decorated with vases, statues, busts of ancient gods, heroes and philosophers. Worthy framing of the palace complex is the park, thanks to which the estate called "Moscow Versailles."

Stone Church of the Archangel Michael was built in the 1660s on the site of the wooden church of the XVI century. The theater, built in 1817-1818 under the project of P. Gonzaga, survived the scenery and the curtain of the works of the famous Italian painter-decorator. Temple-tomb "Colonnade" - more later construction on the estate, built in the years 1909-1916 after the death in a duel one of the Yusupov, which, however, was never used for its intended purpose.

In 1919 the manor was converted into a history and art museum-reserve. A unique part of the museum fund are: a collection of Western European painting XVII - XIX centuries. (France, Italy, the Netherlands); collection of Russian art is relatively small and consists mostly of works by serf masters; a small but very interesting collection of paintings; Collection of furniture XVIII - XIX centuries .; decorative and applied arts; a large collection of books (represented almost all the then existing branches of knowledge (18 sections), the basis of meeting - French literature).

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Museum-Estate Arkhangelskoye