Nicholas Monastery Peshnoshsky
   Photo: Nicholas Monastery Peshnoshsky

Near the village of Dmitrov in the Grass can see the old St. Nicholas Monastery Peshnoshsky. He must base his disciple Sergius of Radonezh - Methodius. In 1361, wanting to serve God in solitude, and having received the blessing of his teacher, on the banks of the River Yakhroma, among impenetrable forests and swamps on a small hill, Methodius cut down the cell itself. Gradually it joined other zealots godly life and built the first wooden church of St. Nicholas. Stone construction began in the monastery at the beginning of the XVI century. Features of development it has received in the second half of the XVI century. When all the wooden buildings were replaced by stone, continued construction of the fortress wall.

The monastery forms irregular quadrangle. It's all surrounded by a stone wall with an indoor swing on it, sometimes built monastery buildings. In the middle of the monastery - the five-domed cathedral church of St. Nicholas. For centuries, the temple was reconstructed several times, was surrounded by a porch on all sides, except the altar.

The Church of the Presentation of the Lord occupies the second floor of the old refectory of the first half of the XVI century., As evidenced by the diploma, issued by Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich. Above the holy gates of the monastery between 1685 and 1700 it was constructed Gate Church of the Transfiguration.

From 1928 to 2007, the liturgical life of the monastery was interrupted. All that time in the monastery was located neuropsychiatric boarding school №3 for people with congenital mental disorders. August 21, 2007 at a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has decided to transform the parish church of the village of St. Sergius Lugovoi Dmitrov district, Moscow region Nicholas Peshnoshsky monastery. Thus, it was formalized the renewal of parish life in one of the oldest monasteries in Russia.

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