The Temple of Artemis
   Photo: The Temple of Artemis

The Temple of Artemis in Corfu - once a monumental structure built in the archaic style in about 580 BC the ancient city of Corfu. The temple was dedicated to the goddess Artemis, and functioned as a sanctuary. Its ruins were discovered during archaeological excavations near the Villa Mon Repos. This temple is known as the first building made in the Doric style entirely of stone and combines all the essential elements of Doric architecture.

The temple was a rectangular structure surrounded by a colonnade (8 columns on the front and back side and 17 columns on each side) in the style of psevdoperiptera, and is the largest sanctuary of its time. Its width is 77 feet, and the length - 161 feet. The front and rear part of the temple were decorated with huge gable with sculpted images of mythological characters. It has survived only one of them. They also found fragments of relief metopes of the temple.

The most valuable find in the ruins of the Temple of Artemis is considered a huge semnadtsatimetrovy pediment with a sculptural image of Medusa, discovered in 1911. It is the oldest Greek temple pediment found to date and the best example of archaic sculpture. To see this important historical relic now be in the Archaeological Museum of Corfu town, which was built in 1962-1965 years specifically to accommodate the impressive artifacts from the Temple of Artemis.

The Temple of Artemis in Corfu as one of the 150 masterpieces of Western architecture and a milestone of ancient Greek architecture. Up to now there is little left of the once majestic building, but what archaeologists have discovered during the excavations, it was quite informative to recreate the architectural details of the church.

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