Suburban complex and Botanical Garden Kristaps Morberga
   Photo: Suburban complex and Botanical Garden Kristaps Morberga

One of the most beautiful sights in the city of Jurmala is a holiday complex and the botanical garden Kristaps Morberga. This monument is located in Dzintari. It was created in 1883. The holiday complex is an example of neo-Gothic wooden architecture.

Master cottages was the largest Latvian construction worker, a famous architect and renowned philanthropist Kristaps Morberg, who made his fortune in the construction of the Boulevard Ring in Riga.

Exterior garden impresses. This is - an architectural masterpiece with beautiful stained glass windows, porches and crenellated towers with weather vanes. What is surprising is that almost no one about him is unknown. This is because it is located outside the lively Jomas street where most of the tourists resting. In Soviet times the building, designated "under the wing" of the state, Gorky was a sanatorium, and was located in the old cellar of the popular, at one time, "Balsam Bar". Currently, on-site bar built an impressive brick fence.

Kristaps Morberg bequeathed to his country house University of Latvia. So there began a large-scale restoration work. At the expense of state and EU funds for the revival of a wonderful monument of architecture has been invested about US $ 3 million. Not so long ago renovated holiday complex. The main building of villas, a small house and gatekeeper stylized castle cellar gained nearly its original appearance and quite prettier. It was possible to restore the location and historical tracks in the garden, which seemed hopelessly lost.

Now for a symbolic donation, anyone can see the gorgeous garden Morberga building and the surrounding park. Customers are interested in the personality of the famous millionaire, history and architecture of the building will be able to learn about these interesting facts on the tour. Her students spend the University of Latvia.

Kristaps Morberg bequeathed to the Foundation University of Latvia not only their Jürmala country house, but profitable and 9 buildings in Riga that the proceeds go to support the students. There was created a beautiful botanical garden with exotic plants. Many of them grow and still. Taking care of their own greenhouse was for Morberga favorite activity. And in the cellar, he grew mushrooms. Later, the cellar has been transformed into the famous balsamic bar. And yet there was a wine cellar and stables.

Kristaps Morberg he designed his country house. He liked to experiment and implement their own ideas to create a home environment. Well, for example, inside the house walls were decorated with iron to heat is retained longer. A downspouts from the roof were lowered directly into the basement, where rainwater is collected in a special tank for watering favorite plants. In the rooms you can still see the old wallpaper, some of which are drawn by hand. The ceiling in the living room is decorated with narrative painting. Fine tiled stoves and stained-glass windows in the wall are a true work of art.

The greatest interest among visitors is the person Kristaps Morberga. For all his vast fortune millionaire gave the University of Latvia on behalf of his institution scholarships for gifted students.

In Jurmala there are countless monuments, but, without a doubt, the jewel of the sea out of the competition!

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Suburban complex and Botanical Garden Kristaps Morberga
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