Waterfalls Rufabgo
   Photo: Waterfalls Rufabgo

Waterfalls Rufabgo in Adygea - one of the most beautiful and popular natural attractions of the country. This unique natural monument is located in the valley of the river Rufabgo. Total of the river, surrounded by steep slopes are 10 waterfalls. At the same time the largest and colorful are waterfalls such as "Heart Rufabgo", "cascade", "noise", "lace", "Maiden Spit" and "Bowl of love." They are of the greatest interest to travelers and tourists visiting Adygea.

To get to the waterfalls Rufabgo possible through the toll bridge, which is clearly visible with a small waterfall "Three brother", which scoreless Rufabgo waterfall, or passing on the trail along the bank of the White River. Behind the waterfall "Three brother" is a small clearing with pavilions, cafes, attractions and souvenir shops. Next waterfall that opens eyes of visitors - a waterfall called "noise". If you walk a little further, you can hear the roar of falling water - a waterfall "Cascade", which consists of three stages and has a small size. For its small size, this waterfall is often called - "The Kid."

The most famous and picturesque waterfall gorge a waterfall "Heart Rufabgo." From under a giant boulder, forged by nature itself in the form of a huge heart, continually rushing stream of cold water, which forms an amazingly beautiful waterfall.

Behind the waterfall "Heart Rufabgo" little canyon expands and scenic views: a high cliff a long and narrow strip in a small lake winds falls under the interesting name "Lace". It is the highest waterfall in the gorge. Its height is 20 m. Many tourists end their visit to this waterfall, not knowing what awaits them in front of the most interesting. In order to pass to the other waterfalls, you need to own up for unequipped but well-trodden path for approximately 900 m. The reward for this will be the tandem picturesque waterfall "Maiden Spit" and "Bowl of love."

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Waterfalls Rufabgo
Michael Athos deserts Trans-Kuban
Giaginskiy Local History Museum. PP Tynchenko