Big House Museum "Polenovo"
   Photo: Big House Museum "Polenovo"

Big house museum "Polenovo" consists of several rooms. The guests visited the museum portrait, studio, dining room, library, office, landscape.

Portrait room is a bright room overlooking the south-west side. Initially, it was a so-called game room for children. After the death of his mother and sister of the artist moved in Borok old things from the Moscow apartment, creating in this room dedicated to his mother - Mary Alexeevna Voeikov (Polenova) exposure. Old portraits and antique furniture recreate the atmosphere of the 19th century. Many of the things listed in this room are connected with the names of heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, Derzhavin, Tolstoy, Turgenev.

The exhibition features the artist's mother, made sketches, pencil portraits of her husband and five children, portrait grandmother Polenovs brush IN Archaeology. The grandmother of the artist - Vera Voeikov, orphaned early and was brought up in a family of well-known poet GR Derzhavin The museum exhibits the cabinet of mahogany, which belonged to the poet. Remarkable is also the trophy, which was brought from the campaign 1812-1813 gg. Alexei Vasilievich Voeikov - glass from the service of Napoleon.

The portrait also features works VD Polenov, including and a portrait of Alexei Vasilievich Voeikov - grandfather of the artist - hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, a portrait of the artist's father. The portrait shows and "Family Showcase", which collected expensive for VD Polenova things. The portrait can also see the collection of Greek and Egyptian antiquities, which were collected by the artist's father and supplemented by the artists during his several trips to the Middle East and Greece.

The largest room in the house - the library. It took place in the days Polenova musical and literary evenings, arranged home performances. The interior of the library settled in the Gothic style: here Gothic furniture and a wooden Gothic ceiling. A large fireplace that was built on drawing VD Polenov, decorated with mosaic friezes, of local stone. The library is a collection of Russian and Western European paintings. It also houses collections of fine plastics that have been collected the artist's father.

The tradition of music, literary evenings and home performances are still alive in the house Polenova. Every year in this room set a Christmas tree for the students of rural schools and put on plays.

The exhibition, presented in the dining room is devoted to traditional crafts and folk art. Here you can see a collection of arts and crafts that have been collected yet VD Polenov, his younger sister and his wife, works of famous Russian artists of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Items in this collection were acquired in the provincial markets and fairs, in the "willow markets", held in Moscow on Red Square and in those years the famous mushroom market. Also of interest are exhibits of oriental collection, which was acquired at the Nizhny Novgorod Art and Industrial Exhibition 1896 VD Polenov. It also kept dishes which made the SI Mamontov VD Polenov and MA Vrubel on the pottery factory in Abramtsevo, plates and dishes ED work Polenova, IS Ostroukhova, KA Korovin.

VD tradition of collection Polenova today continues the museum staff, which creates a collection of contemporary arts and crafts.

From the office of VD Polenova overlooking the Oka. There were house concerts and musical evenings. Music is a favorite pastime of the artist. Polenov also wrote and good music. In the office you can see a collection of ancient weapons, armor and see French soldiers in the 16th. Collected Polenov paleontological and archaeological collection. The exhibits of the collection is a visual aid for students studying the history of the surrounding schools. The interior of the cabinet of the artist, like the other rooms, it was thought out to the smallest detail.

On the second floor is the artist's workshop, which is a massive oak staircase. Along the staircases on the walls - the numerous reproductions of paintings of the Renaissance. On the second floor are also living rooms, where the exposition of paintings VD Polenov. In the artist's work in the early 1890s. And since 1899, it was given them to children under the classroom.

In the workshop you can see the famous picture of Polenova "Christ and the Sinner" and sketches for her and materials for the New Testament cycle works. The exhibition also displays costumes for models to pose for a picture. For the figure of Christ the artist posed II Levitan.

The landscape (previously it was the room of the artist's wife) presents works from different periods of creativity. Here you can see and sketches made by Polenov in Normandy. One particularly valuable items - picture of "Golden Autumn" (1893) .Not less interesting and "Autumn in Abramtsevo" numerous studies "Manor in Imochentsah", "Boat on the Klyazma," "River Pig", "railroad station near Tarusskaya "," The Church of Theodore. " From the windows of the rooms offer scenic views. This is also a painting "created" hard Vasily Dmitrievich. Memorial Park - the brainchild tsenivshego beauty of man and creates its available means.

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