Amusement park "Asterix"
   Photo: Amusement park "Asterix"

Amusement park "Asterix" in the suburbs of Paris not booming all over the world, like Disneyland, and the size of it is inferior to the same closed from November to April. However, adventurous, and quiet family man with young children will find fun to taste. Many of those that were in the "Asterix" once, come back again and assure that there is better than Disneyland.

The name "Asterix" - a native of the French and the understandable residents of most European countries. Asterix and Obelix, the indomitable Gauls resisting the Roman occupation - the main characters of French comic books, appeared in the sixties of the XX century. Comics have been translated into more than 100 languages ​​and dialects (including even Latin and Esperanto), their reasons, a large number of films (the last in 2014), table and video games. Even the first French satellite launched in 1965, carried this proud name. In general, any self-respecting Frenchman, despising everything foreign, I should prefer to park "Asterix" Disneyland (what they actually do).

If you are a tourist in the hands not holding the comics and watched a film about Asterix - it does not matter, it will not prevent him to have fun in the park. To scream on a roller coaster, you do not need knowledge about the Gauls and Romans. And then scream. Attractions only 32, but no! That there is a "Guduriks" - uncompromisingly bare rails, without embellishments and decorations on which cabins are crumbling with a height of 36 meters and makes seven loops in the air, turning people upside down. A "thunder of Zeus" with the double helix, and "Osiris", where brave souls rushing at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, and a waterslide "Express" Menhir ", after which sometimes have dry clothes!

Attractions are the names for a reason - the park, which occupies 33 hectares, is divided into five thematic areas: "Ancient Greece", "Egypt", "The Roman Empire", "The Vikings," "Time Travel," "Welcome to Gaul" . Each zone is framed properly, and everywhere is not just tickling the nerves, but also peaceful rides - for children: carousel, traveling by boat, by train, by plane, by machines.

In each sector, one can enjoy a variety of shows: dancing dolphins and California sea lions in the pool "Poseidon", stunt performances in the role of the Roman legionaries, effectively put a mini-spectacle of trying to steal the "Mona Lisa" and the work of artisans in the "medieval Parisian Square." Tourists need only consider that all the show, of course, go to the French.

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