The Archaeological Museum in the Episcopal palace
   Photo: Archaeological Museum in the Episcopal palace

Archaeological Museum is housed in a former palace of the bishop, laid in the 15th century as a trading house. In the early 15th century, the place of an existing building is now occupied by a small stone building, from which survived to our time just cellars. They were taken as the basis for a two-storey stone houses, built no later than '79 of the 15th century. In the 16th century to the north of it built another two-storey house of such a plan, the north entrance is decorated with white stone portal Renaissance.

In the late 17th century, the building was damaged; during its recovery from the west it was carried completion of a two-storey volume that took passage decorated portal, which has been moved out of the house of the 16th century. At the same time the total was raised roof, uniting both houses. Planning joint space remained intact.

In the mid-18th century building has been owned by the town planning ensemble of five houses that stood in the Armenian area. At the turn of 18-19 centuries. connecting buildings arch was demolished, the west side of the facade and the interior layout of the house have been modified. The palace has got kind of stone stucco two-story, rectangular building covered with steep shingle, roof with an interception. The interior of the palace were restored portal of white stone and casing construction of the 15th century, have profiling and modest ornament.

The exposure of the Archaeological Museum exhibits recreated ancient human habitation, a collection of ancient tools, household items, belonging to people who inhabited the skirts from the earliest ages. In a courtyard housed lapidary.

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