Novoplanovsky Bridge
   Photo: Bridge Novoplanovsky

Novoplanovsky Bridge is one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine - Kamenetz-Podolsk and connects the two banks of the river Smotrych. Kamenetz-Podolsk in third place in Ukraine on the number of landmarks after Kyiv and Lviv. There are about two hundred and Novoplanovsky bridge - one.

Before the construction of the bridge was carried out construction Novoplanovskogo the eastern shore of the river Smotrych. A January 31, 1874 was the grand opening of the bridge, which has become quite an important milestone in the life of the ancient city of Kamenetz-Podolsk. This beautiful, historic city finally managed to finally break out of the cramped even for a loop, which is formed by the river Smotrych, new and enticing for him expanses.

Semiprogonny bridge thrown over the extraordinary beauty of the canyon, the main and its main function - to connect the Old Town with the new.

The huge and powerful bridge was built on the project, developed by the provincial architect of sand, but the work on the construction of the bridge in the city led the famous architect Kostenetskii. The total length of the bridge is 149 meters and the height of its population of about 38 meters. From Novoplanovskogo bridge originates the oldest street of the New Town - Princes Street Koriatovichey.

Walking on the bridge, the tourist are an unforgettable experience of panoramic beauty that opens before your eyes. On the left side you can see the old Goncharnaya tower that looms over the river Smotrych and it seems that she is about to fall into it. This tower was built by the pottery workshops in the 16th century.

On the right side of the bridge is Novoplanovskogo stone staircase descended on which you can see the wobbly suspension bridge, which until Novoplanovskogo was the only option for the passage of the New Town to the Old.

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